Tuesday 20 December 2011



Preposition merupakan “ a closed word class”, yang dapat diartikan sebagai jenis kata yang tertutup atau tidak berubah-ubah menjadi jenis kata yang lain.
Bentuk dari preposition dibedakan menjadi 2 , yaitu Simple dan Complex.
1.       Simple
·           At                 
·           By
·           Of                 
·           On
·           Between
·           Despite
·           From
·           In
·           Since
·           With

2.       Complex
·           According to
·           Because of
·           By means of
·           In terms of
·           In frint of
·           In spite of
·           On account of
·           With regard to

Jenis dari Preposition ada 2 :
1.       Free preposition
Yaitu Preposition yang dapat berdiri sendiri (independent) tidak terikat dengan kata sebelumnya.
he has come back from Indonesia.

2.       Bound preposition
Yaitu Preposition yang selalu terikat (dependent) dengan kata yang berada sebelum preposition tersebut. Kata yang dapat mengikat bound preposition adalah Verb, Adjective, Noun.
a)      Verb + bound preposition
Approve of                                           put of
Give up                                                 think of
Rely on                                                 think about
Keep on                                               confess to
Andi  gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice.

b)      Adjective + bound Preposition
Accustomed to                                      interested in
Afraid of                                                tired of
Capable of                                             successful
Intent on                                                fond of

Deni is fond of the picture.

c)       Noun + bound Preposition
Choice of                                               method for
Excuse for                                              possibility of
Intention of                                             reason for

Jony has excuse for dropping out of college.

Preposition saat diikuti oleh objeknya disebut prepositional phrase. Objeknya dapat berupa noun, pronoun, noun phrase, noun clause dan gerund.

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